Certain TOPICS come up time, and time, and time again. So it's been suggested that we create this page so that the comments previously submitted can be read without re-visiting the subject. Shirley Budgen has offered to be the KEEPER of the TOPICS PAGE.

Shirley will automatically add any topics relevant to this section. If you do not wish your message to appear on this list please inform Shirley and she will remove it asap.

*SHOW - HELP OFFERS (Judges, Stewards) - Latest update: 26/3/2020
Click on this link to find Show Help offers
To find helpers in your area, scroll down the right side and click on the 'category' you are looking for
To be added to the listing please email with the following details: ... ... Your Name ... ... Contact email or phone ... ... Town you live in & distance from there you will travel ... ... What 'area' do you come under ie 'Midlands' etc What you are offering and up to what levels.
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Astro Turf : Fake versus lawn - Latest update: 13/3/2013

Contents: Opinions on Astro Turf

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Dog Proof Flooring & Furniture - Latest update: 13/3/2013
Contents:  Sofas / Wooden Flooring / Temporary flooring (for halls/clubs etc)
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Judging Queries / Opinions on Judging Rules / Entry Queries - Latest update: 13/3/2013

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JUNK MAIL - how to stop it happening - Latest update: 13/3/2013
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by obedienceuk

There's some good advice in the following post:

Do you wonder why you get viruses or junk mail?

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Vacuum Cleaners & Washing Machines: Whats best for dog hair? - Latest update: 13/3/2013


Vacs: Dyson / Henry / Meile / Vax

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Vans / Vehicles (opinions on types) & Caravan Issues - Latest update: 13/3/2013
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Vans : Best Type & Insurance (best deals & what to be wary of) - Latest update: 13/3/2013

Contents: Best Type of Van to Buy  /  Van Insurance

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